On Thursday, in a development that brought relief to the community, officials confirmed the location of a 12-year-old girl, Maria Gomez-Perez, who had been missing for several months. The young girl was discovered in Ohio accompanied by a 34-year-old man
Law enforcement agencies issued a statement declaring that the underage girl, who vanished from her hometown, had been located in Dover, a town roughly 70 miles south of Cleveland. According to the officials, the girl was found safe in Ohio in the company of a man who is almost three times her age.
The news comes after an extensive search operation that lasted for several months since Gomez-Perez’s reported disappearance. The police in Ohio played a critical role in the investigation. They not only located and confirmed the presence of the missing girl, but also identified the 34-year-old man who was with her as Antonio Agustin. Agustin has been arrested in connection with the case.
The man’s connection to the girl and circumstances surrounding how the two came to be together in Ohio remain unclear. The authorities are still working to piece together the mysterious elements of this case, attempting to figure out how a pre-teen girl from Gainesville ended up in Ohio with an adult man.