A massive search has been launched for Asata Amun, a 16-year-old teenager from Sugar Hill, who is missing, according to the Gwinnett County Police Department. Asata disappeared on the 1st of February, last seen fleeing from her home through the front entrance while wearing pajamas and no shoes.
The precise circumstances surrounding her sudden disappearance remain unclear. The police have initiated a full investigation into the case and are working relentlessly to trace Amun. The girl’s sudden disappearance has incited anxiety in the town’s population, and the police department is urging for public cooperation in locating the teenager.
Asata was first reported missing by her father after video footage from the family’s electronic doorbell showed her running off. According to him, Asata doing well both at home and in school. Asata’s mother disagrees – insisting that her daughter ran off due to being unhappy at home.
As the search for the missing teen continues, the Gwinnett County Police Department earnestly appeals to its residents for assistance and vigilance. Anyone possessing information related to Asata Amun’s whereabouts or her disappearance is encouraged to contact their local police station.