Akshay Kumar Singh was detained by deputies from the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office following accusations of physically assaulting a minor at the Post Road Library. This arrest marked a disturbing incident in an otherwise typically quiet public space, signaling heightened local concerns for child safety.
Singh reportedly carried out the attack within the premises of the library – a frequent hub of activity and a place regarded as a safe haven by many local families.
Law enforcement officers were alerted to the incident on the day of the attack, after concerned library staff and visitors raised the alarm. Reacting swiftly to the incident, units from the local sheriff’s department promptly arrived at the scene and apprehended the suspect without incident. The victim, a minor whose identity is protected for safety reasons, is believed to be recuperating from the distressing ordeal.
Ron Freeman, Forsyth County Sheriff, released the following statement: “Without the quick actions of the library supervisor and the witness to the crime, this predator may not have been identified as quickly and taken into custody within 3.5 hours…it is partnerships like these that keep our children and our citizens safe. This type of crime is not tolerated by the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office or the citizens of Forsyth County. We are working closely with our District Attorney’s office to see this offender held accountable for his actions and appreciate their immediate action as well.”
As the case continues to unfold, the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office remains at the helm of the investigation. The department has vowed to maintain the utmost transparency while in pursuit of justice for the victim and the local community. They have not released a photo of the suspect due to their belief there may be more victims out there. If you think your child may be a victim, please call the Forsyth County Sherrif’s office at (770) 781-3087.
In the wake of the incident, library administrators are reportedly implementing increased safety measures to better protect visitors, especially children. Parents and caregivers have been urged to stay alert to ensure the safety of their children as this case underscores the need for maintaining constant vigilance in public spaces, regardless of how safe they are perceived to be.